Real Water Conservation is not happening

The greatest opportunity for better planning and security in this dry continent is just not happening.   
This blog was created mainly to provide a stimulus for studying soils but as I, as a soil and water conservationist know how planning for either involves planning for both. 
Planning for both builds sustainable agro-ecosystem in an area. Forget the rule books and forget that it's just engineering - its geomorphic planning at its heart, 
Our kids should be getting careers in it still

The West has gone wrong by making STEM the single focus issues when the big picture GEM Geomorphic Ecological Management is the primary BIG picture BASIS for service industries to our most basic resource needs and production systems.  

I also have had my Facebook account for "Conservation that Works"  removed for reasons I don't understand. Lot of work there wasted until they restore my access to my work. 

Just to remind you of the simple ideas I presented at shows in the late 80's.

It will be to Victoria's disgrace that so little of the HUGE  tax take the Victorian Government  collect on water every year is used to maintain the advisory system to producers and users of water to make the best use of it . 

While time for me is a problem and the issues huge ( salinity , drainage , erosion control , water logging , domestic  sullage and sewerage to name a few ) I will try and post a few old items from the files.

I do engineering  but it can be a bit basic . At least my style is flexible and allows for drought . How many bricks when? 

Most of the hill country of Australia have soils which will erode if you don't plan how water will get around the structures built to store water in valleys. 

If you want more please comment . 


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