Veganism solves nothing
I know, because I do it myself, that we can all overstate the miracle element of our faiths. More vegetables can be very good for us but a vegetable only diet is only really even feasible if you are rich and pay extra for some animal products.
When someone's specific beliefs and high expectations are constantly in conflict with tested science, we observers and risk takers know it can be expected to be a time when those expectations are not only unhelpful, but actually misleading.
For example, we won't, even as omnivore animals in ecosystems, make good use of available food sources if we don't eat things that are a result of decomposition.
We are born to live, like ruminants do to a greater extent than us , to use and rely on decomposition processes.
A meat free diet is not the way to sustain the life of humans on the planet. We rural folks, who work with animals may have to reject the pressure of the modern industrial treatment of animals when those processes do not take enough care of the animals.
We have a long way to go with so many in the cities unaware of the unnecessary pressure industrial production and crude economics demands put on farmers and farmed animals . . Industry and shareholders still justify too much restriction of the freedom and lifestyle of animals ( including their custodians) . Its good that a new generation of counter economic buyers choose to buy open range eggs and pay more for things like milk so that margins in ecosystems are not squeezed, Let's all be part of that resistance movement and help improve the situation.
Despite its attractiveness as an ideal, it is unsustainable because there is simply not enough low slope good soil and soil water combinations to keep it working for long in a rain fed way.
A cow can cope with more milk than one calf needs and a good steak , like tough old grass, is better, if it and the connective tissue is breaking down on transit through us to the soil .