
Showing posts from September, 2024

Veganism solves nothing

 We all should probably have some vegetables but is a meat free diet the way to sustain the life of humans on the planet ? Certainly the modern Industrial treatment of animals is often unjustified , even when great care is taken. Our fellow creatures still justify too much restriction of the freedom and lifestyle of animals in their care . Join me and others and help improve the situation.  Y es you will get more lots more man made chemicals if you only eat plants . Grazing animals of all kinds carry one of the lowest burdens of all foods because they eat rain washed grass. I avoided a lengthy piece on why it is TOTALLY  unsound to advocate veganism because there are just so many complex and sound reasons why we shouldn't all do it , Try it if you like, but please avoid this self righteous blinkeredness that it is what nature intended .Do your homework on nature The principle reason a thinking person can't advocate it is that , like all the